What To Do About Your HMRC Wrong Tax Code

What To Do About Your HMRC Wrong Tax Code
wrong tax code

If you've recently discovered that your HMRC tax code is incorrect, don't panic! It's important to understand what actions you can take to rectify the situation. In this article, we'll guide you through the necessary steps you should follow if you find yourself faced with a HMRC wrong tax code. By knowing what to do, you can ensure that your taxes are calculated accurately and avoid any unnecessary financial complications.

Understanding HMRC tax codes

What is an HMRC tax code?

A HMRC tax code is a unique code used by employers and pension providers to determine how much income tax should be deducted from your wages or pension. It is an alphanumeric code usually made up of letters and numbers, such as 1250L. The tax code is based on various factors, such as your income, personal allowances, and any deductions. It helps to ensure that you are paying the correct amount of tax throughout the year.

How is an HMRC tax code determined?

HMRC calculates your tax code based on the information that it holds about you and your income. This information will include details about your income, allowances, deductions, and any other income sources you may have. HMRC uses this information to calculate the appropriate tax code for you. It takes into consideration factors such as your savings income, earnings from employment, pensions, and any other taxable income.

Why is it important to have the correct tax code?

Having the correct tax code is essential to ensure that you are paying the accurate amount of tax throughout the year. If your tax code is incorrect, you may either be underpaying or overpaying tax. Underpaying tax can lead to a tax bill at the end of the financial year, while overpaying tax means you are giving the government more money than necessary, which could have been used for other financial purposes.

Why might your tax code be wrong?

Several factors can contribute to an incorrect tax code. It could be due to changes in your income, employment status, or personal circumstances. Changes in tax laws and regulations can also impact your tax code. Furthermore, if HMRC receives incorrect information from your employer or pension provider, it may lead to a wrong tax code. It's crucial to keep an eye on your tax code and address any discrepancies promptly.

Identifying an incorrect tax code

How can you check your tax code?

Checking your tax code is simple and can be done through various methods. You can find your tax code on your payslip, P60, or P45. It is usually listed alongside your salary details. Additionally, you can access your Personal Tax Account online through the government's official website. Once logged in, you can view your tax code and other relevant tax information.

Signs that you have a wrong tax code

There are a few signs that may indicate an incorrect tax code. If you notice a significant decrease in your take-home pay without any explanation or change in circumstances, it could be an indication that your tax code is incorrect. Similarly, receiving a tax refund unexpectedly or being notified of an underpayment of tax may also suggest an issue with your tax code. It's important to pay attention to such signs to avoid any potential problems.

Common reasons for wrong tax codes

Some common reasons for incorrect tax codes include changes in employment, starting a new job, receiving a company car or benefits, or any changes in personal circumstances such as getting married or having children. Additionally, if you have more than one job or source of income, it may lead to errors in your tax code. Errors can also occur due to mistakes made by HMRC or your employer/pension provider when reporting your earnings or allowances.

Taking immediate action

Contacting HMRC

If you suspect that your tax code is incorrect, the first step is to contact HMRC. You can reach out to them through their dedicated helpline or by using the online support options available on their website. Provide them with the necessary details, such as your National Insurance number and any relevant documentation, to help them investigate and rectify the issue.

Gathering supporting documents

To support your claim of a wrong tax code, it is essential to gather any relevant documentation related to your income, allowances, and deductions. This may include payslips, P60s, P45s, or any other documents that demonstrate your earnings and tax deductions. These supporting documents will help HMRC assess your situation accurately and make the necessary adjustments to the wrong tax code.

Requesting a tax code review

When in contact with HMRC, you can request a tax code review. This will prompt them to check the details in your Personal Tax Account and reassess your tax code based on the latest information available. Be sure to provide all the necessary information and explain why you believe your tax code is wrong. Requesting a review ensures that any errors are identified and corrected promptly.

Understanding emergency tax codes

HMRC may issue you an emergency tax code if they do not have enough information to issue a correct tax code. Emergency tax codes are temporary codes used when HMRC doesn't have sufficient information to calculate the correct tax code accurately. These codes often result in higher tax deductions until the correct tax code is determined. It's important to address the issue with HMRC promptly to avoid prolonged periods of emergency code.

Claiming tax refunds

If you have overpaid tax due to wrong tax code, HMRC may owe you a tax refund. When your tax code is corrected, and any overpayments are identified, you can claim a refund of the excess tax paid. The process for claiming a tax refund will be explained by HMRC, and it typically involves submitting a tax refund claim form or applying online through your Personal Tax Account.

Correcting your tax code

Working with your employer or pension provider

Your employer or pension provider plays an important role in ensuring your tax code is accurate. If you believe there is an error with your tax code, it is advisable to discuss the issue with them. Provide them with any supporting documentation and explain the reasons for you believe you have a wrong tax code. They can work with you and HMRC to rectify any errors and update your tax code accordingly.

Waiting for HMRC's response

After submitting the required documentation, you will need to wait for HMRC to review your case and respond with any necessary updates to your tax code. The timeframe for their response may vary, but it is essential to be patient during this process. In the meantime, continue to monitor your payslips and correspondence from HMRC to ensure that the correct tax code is being applied.

Appealing against an incorrect tax code

In rare cases, you may need to appeal against a wrong tax code if you believe HMRC's decision is incorrect. To appeal, you will need to provide evidence supporting your claim and explain why you disagree with the tax code assigned to you. Seeking guidance from a tax specialist or professional advisor can be beneficial when navigating the appeals process.

Maximizing tax efficiency

Seeking professional advice

To ensure you are maximizing your tax efficiency, seeking professional advice is highly recommended. Tax specialists or financial advisors can help you understand complex tax regulations and identify any potential tax-saving opportunities. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances and help you make informed decisions to optimize your tax position.

Utilizing tax reliefs and allowances

Tax reliefs and allowances are essential tools in reducing your overall tax liability. Familiarize yourself with the available reliefs and allowances that you may be eligible for, such as personal allowances, marriage allowance, or tax deductions for certain expenses. By utilizing these provisions, you can legally minimize the amount of tax you owe and keep more of your hard-earned money.

Adjusting your tax code for multiple jobs/income sources

If you have more than one job or source of income, it is crucial to ensure that your tax code reflects this accurately. HMRC may apply a wrong tax code if they are not aware of your other income sources. Inform HMRC about all your income streams so that they can adjust your tax code accordingly and prevent over or underpayment of tax.

Keeping accurate records

Maintaining accurate records of your income, expenses, and tax-related documents is essential for efficient tax management. Keep copies of all relevant documents such as payslips, P60s, P45s, and any other receipts or invoices. These records will help you in reviewing your tax code, claiming tax refunds, maximizing tax deductions, and providing evidence if any disputes arise.

Avoiding future tax code errors

Keeping HMRC informed of changes

To avoid future tax code errors, it is crucial to keep HMRC informed about any changes in your personal circumstances, income, or employment status. Notify them promptly about changes such as new source of additional income, starting a new job, or termination of an existing source of additional income. By providing accurate information, you can help HMRC calculate and assign the correct tax code.

Understanding the P9 coding notice

The P9 coding notice is an annual notice issued by HMRC to employers and pension providers. It provides them with the necessary information to calculate and deduct the correct amount of tax from your earnings or pension. Understanding the content of the P9 coding notice can help you ensure that your employer or pension provider has the correct information and can apply the accurate tax code.

Reviewing your tax code regularly

Reviewing your tax code regularly is essential to identify and rectify any potential errors promptly. Check your tax code each time you receive your payslip or any other tax-related documentation. If you notice any discrepancies or have concerns about the accuracy of your tax code, contact HMRC or seek professional advice to address the issue.

Seeking professional assistance

If you find dealing with tax codes and tax-related matters daunting or complex, seeking professional assistance is highly recommended. Tax specialists or financial advisors can help you navigate the intricate world of tax codes, ensure compliance with tax laws, and optimize your tax efficiency. Their expertise and guidance can give you peace of mind and save you time and effort in dealing with tax-related issues.

Support resources

HMRC helpline and online support

HMRC provides dedicated helplines and online support services to assist taxpayers with their tax-related queries and issues. You can contact HMRC's helpline to speak to a knowledgeable advisor who can provide guidance and address your concerns. Additionally, HMRC's official website offers a wealth of online resources, tools, and guides to assist you in understanding and managing your tax affairs.

Online tax calculators

Online tax calculators are helpful tools that can provide you with an estimate of your tax liability based on your income and tax code. These calculators take into account various tax reliefs, allowances, and deductions to give you an idea of how much tax you may owe or be entitled to as a refund. Utilize reputable online tax calculators to get a rough estimate of your tax position.

HMRC webinars and guides

HMRC regularly organizes webinars and publishes guides on various tax-related topics. These resources cover a wide range of subjects, including tax codes, tax obligations, and changes in tax laws. Participating in webinars and referring to the guides can enhance your understanding of tax codes, help you stay updated with any changes, and provide valuable insights into managing your taxes effectively.

Tax advisory services

If you require personalized assistance and advice concerning your tax code or any other tax matters, tax advisory services are available. These services are provided by tax professionals who specialize in helping individuals with their tax affairs. They can offer tailored advice, assist in resolving complex tax issues, and provide ongoing support to ensure you remain compliant with tax laws and regulations.


Understanding HMRC tax codes is crucial for every taxpayer. It ensures that you are paying the accurate amount of tax and avoiding potential penalties or fines. By familiarizing yourself with how tax codes are determined, checking your tax code regularly, and taking immediate action if there are any discrepancies, you can maintain the correct tax position. Seek professional advice when needed, maximize tax efficiency through reliefs and allowances, and keep accurate records to stay on top of your tax affairs. By following these steps, you can minimize errors, claim any refunds owed to you, and avoid future tax code issues. Remember, it's essential to stay informed, proactive, and seek assistance whenever necessary to ensure compliance and optimize your tax situation.


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